Dying With Dignity

Background and Need: Carrying a dead body from hospital to home in a dignified manner remains a challenge for poor people whose loved ones pass away in hospitals as there are still no dedicated transportation facility for the stated purpose. Instead, ambulances or private transport remain the main mode of transporting dead to their native places and people resort to less dignified means of transporting corpses1.

Assessment: Project has been running successfully and 315 deceased have been transported home from various hospitals in Kashmir valley from March 21 till Nov 2022 free or at a very minimal cost.

Aim:  Help poor people overcome the issues of carrying their deceased loved ones from hospital to home in a dignified manner.

Implementing Partner: Help Poor Voluntary Trust (HPVT)

Project Start Date: March 2021

Project Design: KASHMER in collaboration with HPVT as implementing and operational partner launched Project “Hearse Van” in March 2021 to help poor people overcome the issues of carrying their deceased loved ones from hospital to home in a dignified manner.

Personnel assigned to the project: One driver

Numbers/Key Performance Indicators

Assessment of the impact: Impact of the project on the society has been positive. Service is encouraged. The design and capacity of dead body carrier however is requires optimal standardization.

Current status:     Active

  1. National Human Rights Commission of India, national Framework of article 21 of Indian constitution